jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

In NYC...

En New York amigos de Brad Will realizan una hulga de hambre en los proximos dias hasta ser atendidos por la senadora Hillary Clinton.
Luego de reiteradas solicitudes de encuentro para presentarles el caso de nuestro amigo Brad Will, la impunidad en Mexico y nuestra oposicion al Plan Mexico se tomo la decision de esperarla frente a su oficina y denunciar publicamente esta realidad.

Friends of Brad Will declare dry hunger strike at Sen. Clinton's office
Posted by Kristin Bricker - October 23, 2008 at 4:12 pm

Friends of Brad Will, an organization founded by friends and family of murdered Indymedia journalist Brad Will, has declared a four-day dry hunger strike and vigil in front of Sen. Hillary Clinton's Manhattan office to demand that she take action on Will's case. During the hunger strike, the protesters will not drink or eat.

Will was murdered in Oaxaca, Mexico, on October 27, 2006, while covering the popular uprising there. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the Mexican government has blamed members and supporters of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca for the murder. It has already arrested three people in the case, and says it has arrest warrants for eight more. All are APPO members or supporters.

Witnesses, journalists, ballistic evidence, the autopsy results, video evidence, and photographs all point to Juan Carlo Soriano, municipal police officer; Manuel Aguilar, council personnel chief; Able Santiago Zarate; and Pedro Carmona, mayor of Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Santa Lucia del Camino as the most likely culprits.

The Mexican government's own National Human Rights Commission (CNDH in its Spanish initials) has strongly condemned the government's investigation of the case, saying that Will died of two long-range shots, not two short-range shots fired by APPO members standing around Will, as the attorney general claims. According to the CNDH, "We are concerned because the person the Attorney General's office detained as the person allegedly responsible for the homicide of US journalist Brad Will could be charged without evidence, and he runs the risk of being convicted."

On October 16 the Mexican government arrested APPO activist Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno as the intellectual author of the crime and Octavio Perez Perez as a co-conspirator. A day later it arrested Hugo Colmenares Leyva as another co-conspirator. The government claims that Martínez Moreno pulled the trigger as he stood to the side of Will, even though the first shot Will received came from straight-on.

This is not the first time Martínez Moreno has faced problems for his activism: in 2007 he was kidnapped along with two other APPO members while performing election observation in Santa Lucía del Camino, where Will was murdered in October 2006. The kidnappers beat the three APPOistas severely in the face and abdomen under a bridge and then dumped them in a community 38 kilometers from Oaxaca City.

Friends of Brad Will has decided to target Sen. Clinton because she supports the military aid package to Mexico called the Merida Initiative, also known as Plan Mexico. Plan Mexico will provide training, resources, and armament to the Mexican government, military, and police forces to continue its highly controversial war on organized crime, which has already resulted in skyrocketing drug-related homicide rates and human rights abuses. Robert Jereski, a member of Friends of Brad Will who is on his third day of hunger strike, told Narco News, "Clinton's supporting a security package that's arming the security forces who killed a US journalist who worked in New York City."

The hunger strikers delivered a list of six demands to Sen. Clinton's office yesterday morning. They include:

* That Hillary Clinton issue a public statement demanding protection for witnesses to Will's murder, the arrest of the government agents filmed shooting at him, and a public statement opposing the Merida Initiative. Witnesses in the Will case claim they and their families have suffered harrassment, including being followed and having their homes watched.
* That the Mexican government arrest the real killers in the Will case.
* That the the charges against Juan Manuel Martinez Moreno and Octavio Perez Perez be dropped. FoBW calls these charges "an absurd attempt to divert attention from the real killers."
* The end of the "corrupt brutal rule by Ulises Ruiz" Ortiz, the current governor of Oaxaca whose destitution was the central demand of the 2006 uprising.
* An end to the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and Plan Puebla Panama, now known as the Mesoamerica Project.
* No to the Plan Mexico military aid package, officially known as the Merida Initiative.

Thus far Clinton has not met with the hunger strikers, even though she was reportedly in her Manhattan office yesterday. She has also not responded to the demands, which were delivered directly to her staff and are also being faxed to her office by protesters all over the United States.

Friends of Brad Will is undettered. They are encouraging supporters to continue calling Sen. Clinton's office at (212) 688-6262 to support the hunger strikers' demands. According to Jereski, "It is our duty to stand up for human rights in solidarity with the victims of those security forces, and not with the perpetrators of human rights violations....US tax money will be used to send lethal aid to Mexico to wholely unaccounatable police and military forces there. We have a resonsibility to take action." Jereski says that U.S. weaponry and training have been used by Mexican officials to violently repress dissent and leftist and indigenous movements, "the very actions that journalist Brad Will was exposing."

Calls on Thursday to Sen. Clinton's press office for a comment on the hunger strike went unanswered.

Abrazamos tu solidaridad!

Desde el colectivo contraimpunidad le damos la bienvenida a toda manifestacion de solidaridad con los compañeros adherentes a la otra campaña detenidos en Oaxaca e inculpados por un crimen que no cometieron.
Existen muchos intreses politicos detras de todo esto y estos compañeros estan siendo victimas y reenes de estos intereses.
La PGR esta organizando y ejecutando cualquier acto de injusticia con tal de conseguir los objetivos de estos gobernantes.
Denunciamos publicamente a los responsables politicos de estos hechos en primer lugar al gobernador de Oaxaca Ulises Ruiz Ortiz como tambien al Presidente de Mexico Felipe Calderon por desvirtuar totalmente las investigaciones y estudios realizados donde se demuestra la culpabilidad de Pedro Carmona, Abel Santiago Zarate alias "El Chino," Juan Carlo Soriano alias "El Chapulin," Comandante Manuel Aguilar Coello, y Juan Sumano. Todas estas personas pertenecientes al PRI y protegidos por ellos.

colectivo contraimpunidad.-

(below in english)

Desde Cuba y por la Justicia.

Como revolucionario y desde la prédica de La Revolución Cubana, manifiesto mi irrestricto apoyo a los hombres de buena voluntad que luchan por la justicia, el derecho y el mejoramiento humano. Nuestra lucha es contra toda dominación que a través de sus portavoces quiere perpetuar el capital. No se trata de hombres sino de intereses que quieren silenciar el justo reclamo de justicia e igualdad. El futuro tiene que ser de hombres que asumen el legado de Benito Juárez “El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz”, pero una Paz sostenida en el derecho a la vida. Nos engrandece la práctica emancipadora de cada hombre y nos rebaja su aniquilamiento e cualquiera de las latitudes. Junto al blanco, indio, latino, y en definitiva hombre; creemos incuestionablemente en las luchas sociales, en la confrontación contra la corrupción y el despojo, en el ejercicio de la denuncia contra la violencia y el asesinato selectivo, que no ha sido práctica de la Revolución cubana, a pesar de las campañas difamatorias del imperio y su séquito de oligarcas nacionales, en la dignificación de la política, que es el ejercicio de organizar la sociedad, según Martí; en interés de todos.

Como simple profesor, educado en los valores revolucionarios de hermandad y solidaridad, apoyo desde mi lugar y con mi palabra, la justa causa de que sean escuchados y respetados, de que se les ofrezca toda la verdad sobre la muerte de Bradley Roland Will y los restantes compañeros caídos en la lucha, que paguen sus asesinos, que se le de tranquilidad y ayuda a sus familiares, que sean liberados por su inocencia Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno y Octavio Pérez Pérez, que cesen toda forma de aprehensión arbitraria,

Como exigimos solidaridad para nuestros Cinco Hermanos Prisioneros del Imperio, abogamos por su justa lucha, confiado en que el terrible dolor de hoy, nunca será en vano sino que constituye fuerza y ejemplo, para el mundo que le heredemos a nuestros hijos.

Orlando Calderón Frías

Profesor. Ministerio de Educación

Since Cuba and for Justice.

As a revolutionary and from the preaching of the Cuban Revolution, I express my unqualified support to men of goodwill who are fighting for justice, law and human betterment. Our fight is against any domination through their spokesmen want to perpetuate the capital. These are not men but of interests that want to silence the just demands of justice and equality. The future has to be of men who assume the legacy of Benito Juárez 'Respect for the rights of others is peace,' but a sustainable peace in the right to life. We enhanced the practice of liberating every man and we discount any of its annihilation and latitudes. Next to the white, Indian, Latin, and ultimately humans; unquestionably believe in social struggles in the confrontation against corruption and plunder, in the exercise of the complaint against violence and targeted killing, which has not been the practice of the Cuban Revolution, despite the smear campaigns of the empire and his entourage of national oligarchs, in the dignity of politics, which is the exercise of organizing society, according to Marti, in the interest of all.
As a simple teacher, educated in the values of revolutionary brotherhood and solidarity, support from my place and my word, just because they are heard and respected, they are offering the whole truth about the death of Bradley Roland Will and remaining comrades killed in the fighting, to pay their murderers, that he was calm and helps their families, which are released by their innocence Juan Manuel Martinez Moreno and Octavio Perez Perez, to cease all forms of arbitrary arrest,
As we demand our sympathy for Five Brothers Prisoners of the Empire, we call for their just struggle, confident that the terrible pain of today will never be in vain but is strength and example to the world that our children will inherit.

Orlando Calderon Frias
Teacher. Ministry of Education

El pronunciamiento de los testigos fue publicado en la jornada: